Team Zero Waste By Ankush Kumar on July 15, 2020 Waste management is one of the pressi ng issues, and this pandemic increases its seriousness to the next level. To understand this, we need to know several critical aspects of waste management, especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we are mainly discussing plastics and biomedical waste (BMW) management. We focused on, the composition of waste generated during COVID-19, challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, the type of plastics produced in a pandemic, questioning of the waste management potential of India, basics question which may have in everyone's minds and few Do' s/Don't for general people/sanitation staff/waste processors. Introduction: Solid waste may consist of domestic waste, sanitary waste, commercial waste, institutional waste, catering market waste, street sweep waste, BMW, non-residential waste. Biodegradable waste, non-biodegradable waste, and household hazardous waste come into...